Our Training
Our training
The formation of the Servants of Jesus, under the spiritual paternity of St. Ignatius of Loyola, seeks to accompany and stimulate the aspirant in the following of Christ through the profession of the evangelical counsels: poverty, chastity and obedience.
In imitation of St. John, the primacy of service out of love that the Son offers us is the spirit that animates our formation and mission.
Training itinerary
The formation itinerary consists of postulancy, novitiate and studies in philosophy and theology, which include a long period dedicated to the apostolate.
Afterwards, some members are assigned to specialized training, according to their personal conditions and the needs of the Institute. Having made his religious profession a few years earlier, he was ordained to the priesthood at the end of his studies. In addition, each one continues his formation throughout his religious life.

Each stage also favors a spiritual and theological intelligence from the Word of God, which is of interest not only for the priestly work, but should touch his whole existence.
It is not a question of following a curriculum in order to obtain a degree, but of verifying during this time if this path is indeed the will of God, if the candidate encounters the living Lord Jesus more and more and if he can serve him all his life according to the evangelical way.
The Spiritual Exercises in our formation
The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises are the fundamental frame of reference. They shape the courses, the activities, the way of life, the apostolate, the affective education, the renunciations, in short, the spirit of the evangelical counsels. The Exercises imply a direct contact “of the Creator with his creature” (EE 15) and require an attentive listening to this divine action in each one in order to follow its impulse and thus “love him more and follow him more” (EE 104).
Text adapted from the article published in Ama y Sirve.