Safe Environments
The Servants of Jesus, desiring “to help people to accept the friendship that Jesus Christ offers us” (Constitutions, art. 5 §2) and “to give themselves to their own mission” (Constitutions, art. 9 §1), are aware that “the effective protection of minors and the commitment to guarantee their human and spiritual development in conformity with the dignity of the human person are an integral part of the Gospel message that the Church and all its members are called to spread in the world” (
Minorum tutela
Mission of the Safe Environments Manager
In order to coordinate and verify the actions that contribute to a safe environment and the protection of minors and vulnerable persons in the institutions and apostolates of the Servants of Jesus, the Superior General has appointed a Responsible for Safe Environments of the Servants of Jesus who, under his authority, will have as his mission: 1) to ensure that the Servants of Jesus maintain a community that is respectful and aware of the rights of minors and vulnerable persons and attentive to prevent any form of violence or abuse; 2) to coordinate the prevention and formation activities of the Servants of Jesus and their collaborators; 3) to establish principles, standards and procedures for the prevention of abuse; and to accompany those who claim to have been victims of exploitation, sexual abuse or mistreatment, as well as their families.
Collaboration with other professionals
The Safe Environments Manager will have the collaboration of professionals from various disciplines, especially psychological, medical, legal, communication and spiritual.
Whistleblower channel
If you have any message about something that concerns you or worries you in relation to the topic of Safe Environments in the environments of the Servants of Jesus, we invite you to contact us, guaranteeing your anonymity, at the following email address: